Open AX and navigate to the Sales and Marketing module

In the Common area, expand Sales orders and click “All sales orders

This will open the All sales orders window.

In the New area of the Ribbon, click the “Sales order” button.



This will open the New sales order window.

Choose the Customer account

Choose the Site and Warehouse the Item/s will come from.

Enter a Customer requisition and PO# (Use the same for both if you only have one)

Click the “OK” button to continue.




This will open the Sales order window.

Click the “Add line” button.

Choose the Item number, quantity, and Packing unit you wish to sell.

Continue adding lines for as many items as needed.

Press “Control+S” or click File, then Save.






In the Sales order lines area, click the “Inventory” dropdown and click Reservation.

Pick the amount of each Batch number (Date code) you want to ship, enter the quantity in the Reservation field.

When you’ve selected the amount of each you want, click the “Reserve lot” button at the top.

The reserved physical amount should update, click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Sales order window.

At this point, you can print a Pro forma Delivery ticket to go with the actual delivery.

On the Pick and pack tab, click the “Pro forma packing slip” button.

This will open the Pro forma packing slip window.

Choose the Packing slip date (Delivery date).

Make sure “Print packing slip” is checked.

Click the “OK” button.

This will open the Sales Packing Slip window and show you a copy of the Delivery ticket.

Look it over to make sure it’s correct.

Click the “Print” button in the top-left corner.

This will open the Print destination settings window.

Make sure “Delivery_ticket_Auto” is selected and click the “OK” button.


This will print the delivery ticket and any needed copies to the ticket printer.

You will be returned to the Sales Packing Slip window.

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Sales order window.

At this point, the order will be delivered along with the Delivery ticket.

When the driver returns, and the order has been completed, we need to finish out the order in AX.

Reopen the sales order and make any changes needed to the actual delivery amount/s.

On the Warehouse management tab in the Ribbon, click the “Load planning workbench” button.


This will open the Load planning workbench window.

Scroll down and expand the Line details fasttab.

Click the “Vehicle/Driver” footer tab at the bottom.

Choose a Tractor, Trailer, and Driver/s



In the Loads fasttab, click the “Release” dropdown.

Click “Release to warehouse”.





You should receive an Infolog window similar to this:

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Load planning workbench window.

In the Loads fasttab, click the “Related information” dropdown and click “Work details”.



This will open the Work details window.

Click the “Complete work” button in the Ribbon.

This will open the Work completion window.

Select “WH” for User ID.

Click the “Validate work” button at the top.


You should be shown an Infolog window stating “All work is valid

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Work completion window.

Click the “Complete work” button at the top.

Half of the Work status at the bottom should change to “Closed

Click the “Complete work” button one more time.

You should be shown an Infolog window stating “Work…has been completed successfully

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Work completion window.

Click the “Close” button.

You will be returned to the Work window.

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Load planning workbench.

In the Loads fasttab click the “Ship and receive” dropdown and click “Outbound shipment

This will open the Outbound shipment window.

Choose the actual delivery date and click the “OK” button.





You should receive an Infolog window stating “The shipment for load…has been confirmed”.

Click the “OK” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Load planning workbench window.

Click the “Close” button to continue.

You will be returned to the Sales order window.

On the Pick and pack tab in the Ribbon, click the “Packing slip” button.

This will open the Packing slip posting window.

Choose the Packing slip date (Actual delivery date)

Click the “OK” button to continue.

You will receive a warning that states “update has been selected, but no print”.

Click the “OK” button

You will be returned to the Sales order window.

Click the “Close” button to finish.