When you are in a list page in AX, you may see more information than you care to. You can easily filter down the information to what you’re looking for and save that filter for even quicker access next time.
In this example I will be creating a filter for the “All purchase orders” list page.
First off, I’m going to filter and sort the page to get it looking how I’d like. I can press “Control+G” on my keyboard to bring up the column filters.
Then I filter which columns I’d like to limit. In this example, I’m going to filter the “Created by” column to only show purchase orders that I created. So I enter “bcummings” in the Created by filter and press “Enter”.
I also want to filter the Approval status to “Draft”, so I enter “draft” in that column filter and press “Enter”. Here are my results:
So now I’ve got my page filtered how I want it, but I’d like to save this filter for convenient access later.
To do this, click the “All purchase orders (Unsaved filter)” dropdown button and choose “Save Filter”
This will open the Save inquiry window.
Enter a Name, (Use something that will be recognizable) and click the “OK” button.
You will be taken back to the Purchase orders list page.
Note the name you created now appears in the filter title dropdown box:
Now, the next time I want to load this filter, I can open the “All purchase orders” list page, select the Inquiry dropdown button and choose my Saved filter and the changes I save will be applied.