How to Install and Configure Azure Storage Explorer For Concur to D365 Data Import

If you will need to import Concur transactions into D365, follow these directions to first install and configure Azure Storage Explorer as it is required to complete that process.

Download Azure Storage Explorer from Microsoft’s web site here:

Documented here for Windows, but should be similar installation on a Mac.

Once downloaded, run the installer.

Accept the license agreement and choose “Install

Use the default installation folder, choose “Next

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Use the default Start menu folder, choose “Next

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Make sure “Launch Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer” is checked and choose “Finish

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When Azure Storage Explorer launches, choose “Open Connect Dialog

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In the Select Resource window, choose “Storage account or service

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In the Select Connection Method screen, choose “Account name and key” and click “Next

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In the Display name field, enter “Nelson Brothers

In the Account name field, enter “d365fileintegration

In the Account name field, enter:


For the Storage domain, make sure Azure ( is selected.

Click “Next

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In the Summary screen, choose “Connect

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You will be returned to the Get started screen of Azure Storage Explorer. You should see a message stating “Successfully added new connection

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Select the “Explorer” icon in the navigation panel (Top-left)

Expand Emulator & Attached >> Storage Accounts >> Nelson Brothers (Key) >> File Shares >> concur

Right-click on “concur” and choose Pin to Quick Access

This will add the concur File share to Quick Access for ease of access later.

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Azure File Explorer is now installed and configured for use when importing Concur transactions into D365.