Step 1: Search for "Intune Company Portal" on the Play Store and download it.
Step 2: Once installed, open the app and select the option "sign in with email", and use your '' email and password.
Step 3: Now you need to verify your identity. To do so, select the "I want to set up a different method" option, and then select "Phone" from the list. This will text you a 6-digit code that you will need to input in order to verify your identity.
Step 4: After you've verified your identity, you'll need to select "Begin" on the bottom of the "Nelson Brothers Access Setup" page.
Step 5: Select "Continue" until you return to the "Nelson Brothers Access Setup" page. The first Item on the checklist should now have a green checkmark next to it.
Step 6: Select "Continue". You should now see a screen showing "Choose the best category for this device". Select the option "Nelson Brothers - BYOD Enrolled Device", then select "Done" at the bottom of the screen.
Step 7: You should once again see the "Nelson Brothers Access Setup" page. The second item and third items on the checklist should now have a green checkmark next to them. Select "Done" at the bottom of the screen.
Step 8: You should now see a screen that has "Devices" and "Support" at the top. A pop-up should have appeared at the bottom of the screen, with the options "Dismiss" and "Open". Select the "Dismiss" option on the pop-up.
Your Company Portal should now be fully set up.
* Do not go manually download apps, the phone will automatically install edge and slack for you.
*For help setting up Slack, please continue to the "Slack Setup Guide for Android Devices" linked below.
Slack Setup Guide for Android Devices | Knowledge Base | Nelson Brothers IS Helpdesk