For the "SBU Electronic Blast Report" PowerApp, if you only share the app with a user, they will still get an App permissions modal window when launching it prompting them to fix any connections, namely the "SQL Server".
There is nothing the user can do here, the PowerApp administrator (Seth Burns as of 2024-09-25) will have to take steps to resolve it.
To resolve the issue, the PowerApps administrator will need to do the following:
Navigate to
If the Environment is not "PROD Shared Productivity", they will need to swap to it.
Click the Environment button at the top-right.
This will open the Select environment flyover pane on the right.
Select "PROD Shared Productivity"
Next open the "Connections" area. (You may need to click More >> Connections if it's not already visible.)
Find the "south_load" connection.
Click the ellipsis next to it and choose "Share"
This will open the Share window.
In the "Enter names, email addresses..." bar at the top, find and choose the user you wish to add.
This will add the user to the list.
Make sure the "Can use" permission is set.
Click the "Save" button to finish.